2017-02-22 - Installation in Process - The artist HOTxTEA

It's really hard to do justice to the beauty and focus of watching HOTxTEA's yarn installations. He has trained his brain to convert a chainlink fence into a canvas and his yarn into a paintbrush. HOTxTEA's installations are known for their three-dimensionality and complex perspectives as you'll see below. I acted as a spectator for 15 minutes and get to witness the word ABRACADABRA (a reference to the Steve Miller song) mocked-up, tilted, and flipped upwards at a 30-degree angle without any signs of second-guessing or anxiety. It's just magic (pun intended).

HOTxTEA was passing-through Austin, Texas, barely through a long-slog road trip back-up to Minneapolis, Minnesota. I had followed his work for years but getting to see his handiwork up close felt like sitting at the counter of a master chef.

If you scroll through HOTxTEA's Twitter tags, you can see countless examples of his beautiful gradients, his hanging yarn gardens, and his graffiti tags. 

Thank you so much for letting me be a witness, HOTxTEA! I know my photos don't do just to your art. Keep up your amazing work!

The Week that Was - 2017-04-02

In between the screaming, the fighting, and the tantrums, I'm able to capture some fun moments in the life of our family.

Sorry to lead with the "bad" parts of parenthood. Those only account for 2-5% of our time together. We're so ridiculously lucky to have two kids that are healthy and who get along with each other so much of the time. I'm also ridiculously lucky to have a partner like Sara who is such an incredible mother who helps me be a better person every day.

As the weather has hotted-up, we're eating our weight in vegan, gluten-free ice cream (damn you food sensitivities; and bless you Sweet Ritual!), we've planted our spring garden with plants from the fantastic Red Barn Garden Center, Taters did his first belly flop, and the lizards have started to watch me from the office window.

Here's to more amazing weeks!