Breaking Stereotypes - Beautiful Photography Celebrating Muslim American Families: The Gheewalla Jayed Family

I am really excited to share this second-round of photos from my series showing loving Muslim families that are sorely under-represented in a time of heightened Muslim fear. 

I have had the good fortune of knowing Samia Jayed since we both worked for KIPP Houston. Samia has always been a warm, welcoming, detail oriented, and hard-working presence and those qualities are even more felt after seeing the qualities she and her husband, Aman, have passed onto their son! It's beautifully clear after watching her family interact that there's nothing but love to see here.

What also stood out to me is that there's nothing out of the ordinary about these photos either. These are three people and a puppy that just love each other, that put good out into the world, and are trying to live their lives as best as they can.

From Samia:

I was taught the basic principals of Islam by my mother—first and foremost is to be a good human and be respectful of others. What I have learned is that every religion has the same basic principals, and somewhere in the middle we look beyond those basic principals to find ways to divide us.

Aman and I both moved here at a fairly young age, and we have learned that the commonality between our faith and law of the land aren’t very different. Amongst our friends and neighbors, we do not feel any different because we are a muslim family, and we are so fortunate to have such a diverse community. We just hope that those that haven’t had the opportunity to interact with other Muslims or people of different cultures, will make an attempt to broaden their circle and I am hopeful they will feel welcomed in doing so.

The Islamophobia that exists in our country today is a way to just divide us rather than unite us. United we are stronger.

Thank you so much, Samia and Aman! It was so wonderful getting to take your photos and to spread your wonderful message!

The Week that Was - 2017-04-23

It was a wild week between work, Sara's school stuff, and the boys doing crazy Hank & Tank stuff. But the weather has started to warm in Austin and we are in the habit of sprinting outside as soon as the boys get home. Next door, there's a new house going up which has made for very exciting times at Hank & Tank Studios. And, we were lucky enough to have friends stop in over the weekend for some wonderful play time.

It's incredible watching the boys grow up. In the span of a couple weeks we've seen Tank swimming completely independently, Henry losing his first tooth, and the boys continuing to deepen their friendship playing independently for large spans of times (sometimes hours). Don't get me wrong, there's stuff that isn't as fun such as Tank's lingering cough and cold and his awful sleeping patterns, or Henry's croup but those are minor. I need to remind myself of that when I get exhausted.

Have a wonderful start to your week!